Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yann Tiersen *****

Guillaume Yann Tiersen (born June 23, 1970 in Brest, Brittany, France) is a French musician who is best known for being the composer of the soundtrack for the popular 2001 movie “Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain”. He has received classical training at several musical academies, including those in Rennes, Nantes, and Boulogne.

His music is mostly , decorated with piano, accordion, harpsicord, violin, mandolin, bass, guitar, banjo, melodica, toy piano, typewriter, vibraphone and various rhythm instruments. Yann Tiersen has also collaborated with vocal artists like Claire Pichet (“Le Phare” and “Rue Des Cascades”), Elizabeth Fraser (“Les Retrouvailles”) and Shannon Wright (“Yann Tiersen and Shannon Wright”). Other musicians he has worked with include The Divine Comedy, Noir Désir, dominique A., Francoiz Breut, Les Têtes Raides, The Married Monk and Sage Francis

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