Thursday, April 29, 2010

Greek Islands in Top 10 Summer Destinations

You are going to have many options when planning vacationsin Greece. There are many choices to make, but perhaps the mostdifficult revolves around when to go. Are you aiming to travel Greecewhen Greece tourism is slow, or are you looking for the summer partieson the islands? The good thing about Greece travel destinations is thatmany of them are historic sites. The ruins that are thousands of yearsold will still be there whether it is February or August. Suffice it tosay that there is no bad time to go to Greece, as vacations in Greeceare rewarding regardless of the season. 

You may think that to travel Greece during the winter months means that the islands are closed completely and that there isn’t much to do around the mainland other than visit the ruins. It can get pretty cold and wet during the months of November, December and January, but often in Athens and in the islands you can catch some warmer, sunny days. The islands,and Greece tourism can experience delays or cancellations due to rough seas. The number off lights or ferries heading to the islands significantly decreases, but you can still visit the islands if you are determined. While many of the larger resorts and tourist restaurants close for the off-season on the islands, but there are smaller hotels and restaurants still open.And, many of the restaurants that are open are popular with the locals,meaning the food is likely to be better.

Islands like Mykonos, Crete, Rhodes and Santorini attract visitors year round, and many who rent their houses out in the summer return afterwards and claim the off-season is their favorite time.You simply get all the views to yourself, and a beach can be rewarding in the winter if you don’t mind the fact that the water can be cold.Prices during the off-season, specifically in the winter, are way down and it is a good time to snatch up those cheap flights to Greece.If you are a skier, you will love Greece in the winter.The mountains on the Peleponnese peninsula and in northern Greece get their fair share of snow, and the skiing can be pretty good.Many just don’t know about it.Of particular interest in the winter are the performances at both the Athens Concert Hall and the Thessaloniki weather is fairly temperate, although it can get pretty cold at times, and winter shopping bargains are easily found.  

As with the winter months, the fall and spring months can be veryrewarding in Greece. These are great months to plan vacations in Greeceif you are looking to enjoy the outdoors. Walks or hikes through theGreek countryside in spring can be particularly rewarding. Spring flowers are blooming all over the countryside and birdwatching is atit’s best. Eco-tours are great Greek tours to enjoy outside of thesummer months. 

If you are looking for an “outside the box” idea forGreece travel destinations, try heading to the Greek mountains in thespring and fall and take a jeep tour to some of the areas most don’tknow about. You can find a lot of great weather if you travel Greece inthe spring and fall, and you will also find great hotel rates. May andSeptember just might be the best months to plan vacations in Greece.The weather is great and prices are still pretty low. 

Alas, we come to the summer, when Greece tourism is at its peak. Itcan get pretty hot in Greece during especially the months of July andAugust. These two months are the busiest in the islands, and while theferries and flights to the islands can get pretty crowded, this is thebest season to find the most number of them. Greek festivals and events can be found throughout Greece in the summer.The Hellenic Festival is in full swing in Athens, and performances at the Odeon of Herodes Atticustheatre and on Lykavittos Hill are popular draws for both Greeks andtourists. In July, wine enthusiasts can enjoy the wine festivals onCrete. Greece travel destinations most popular in the summer are, ofcourse, the beaches. The beaches in Greece are wonderful, offering something for everyone, and island beaches like Paradise Beach have nightlife that goes well into the wee hours.

There really just isn’t a bad time to travel Greece. The ruinsspread throughout the country will be there any time of year, and whenit comes to weather, well you just take advantage of whatever you get.When planning vacations in Greece, it can be as simple as decidingwhether suntanning and swimming in the Aegean Sea is your main focus,then go from there.

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