Thursday, April 8, 2010

Straße der Megalithkultur, Lower-Saxony, Germany ****

You will find them almost everywhere in Northern Germany: megalithic stone graves, colossi weighing tons from a past time. These 4000-5000 year old structures from the Neolithic lie in a belt, which stretches from the east of the Netherlands, over Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxonia-Anhalt. According to the researchers, these 1000 stone graves are said to have served as burial or bone storage places for whole clans.

Archaeologists frequently find pottery from the Beaker culture, stone axes, arrowheads, amber disks and beads. Human remains are only rarely found, and allegedly never complete skeletons. Some theories about the dead cult of the Neolithic age assume that the bones of humans in these stone graves were arranged, into separate groups of long bones and skulls. Many researchers have come to the conclusion, therefore, that the dead bodies were first exposed on frames, trees or even on the ground until their flesh was completely decayed suspended. The remains of the skeleton were later placed within the grave chambers.

The megalithic graves in Germany were built mainly from granite foundlings (erratics) from the last ice age, which were shifted by the ice masses from Sweden and Finland to Northern Germany.

The main part of the structure is an even chamber comprising two 'yokes' set in an east-west direction (a yoke = 2 wallstones and a capstone) and two smaller end stones. The soil of the burial chamber was paved with small foundling-fragments and boulders and the large joints between the wall and capstones were filled with drystone walling. The entrance of the "Emslaendischen Kammer" lies to the south. The entire construction was covered by the designers with a mound of earth which was ringed at the base with an oval stone setting to prevent the earth from slipping down.

In the past humans were unable to explain how these large and heavy stones were moved and stacked one above the other, leading to speculation that they had been created by giants. For this reason these structures or 'foundlings' were given names such as "Hünensteine", "Hünengräber" or Hünenbetten Definition (Hüne means giant) - Giant's Stones, Giant's Graves, Giant's Beds.

Unfortunately there are now only few constructions remaining intact. Many prehistoric sites were banished during the course of Christianisation as being pagan and devilish. Therefore another name commonly used to describe these megalitic constructions, is "Devil's Stones". Some of the stone blocks were also taken in the past and used for building material in roads and houses.

There is a legend surrounding one site known as the Karlstones (Charlemagne) in Osnabrück:

Emperor Karl had defeated those Saxons. In the Ohne (grove) the Germanic pagans had a large sacrificial offering place. It consisted of a powerful flagstone. However all effort to destroy this place with fire and iron remained unsuccessful. When emperor Karl heard that the Germanic leader, Duke Widukind, was concentrating a new army, he lost all his courage, abandoned the stone and decided to take off with the army. Seven brothers told him to trust God's assistance. Opposite the pagan victim stone they established the first Christian altar in our area. There they knelt down and prayed to God for assistance. Emperor Karl however had lost all hope and said, whilst striking the victim stone: as do not know how to break this stone, I also knowthat the neck of the Saxons will not bend! He had hardly spoken these words when the flagston esplit into three pieces. All regarded this as an indication from heaven and they trusted God that he would not abandon his servants in the fight.

Suentelstein near Osnabreuck Other megalithic structures include the Süntelstein (Suentelstone) near Osnabrueck which is a 4m high stone, a so-called menhir. It is likely that there was a stone circle around the Suentelstone in earlier times, but its meaning is now unclear. Legend has it that this stone was rammed into the soil by the devil, after it had tried to block the entrance to the church of the neighbouring village Venne.

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